The Arizona* Pass

*This happens elsewhere, I’m sure, but I’ve never seen it be so chronic as it is in Arizona.

It inevitably begins with someone camping in the left lane. 

So, this bitch is in the right lane going 74 mph in a 75 mph with literally no one in the right lanes for miles AND WILL NOT FUCKING MOVE OUT OF THE LEFT LANE. 

And now you gotta pass this douchebag on the right. 

But then you’ll get this left lane camper going 74 in a 75, at the same time that some folks are going 76 in the middle lane. So then everyone starts getting in the middle lane to go around this douchecanoe who feels so incredibly entitled to own the left lane. 

This then leads to a backup of people behind the left lane camper and the appropriately right-laned driver. And it is the most frustrating thing

However, while there are usually some trucks interspersed in the far right lane, there’s generally room to meander around the slower traffic way over there. So that forces a whole collection of folks to pass in the far right lane in between slow people and big ol’ trucks.

And this is The Arizona Pass… where you gotta pass a whole mass of people by using the far right lane… Because for some goddamn reason people really fucking don’t understand how lanes work in this state. 

STOP HOGGING THE FUCKING LEFT LANE. GET THE FUCK OVER. IS SOMEONE BEHIND YOU? MOVE OVER! IS NO ONE BEHIND YOU? MOVE OVER! Get the absolute fuck out of the left lane if you’re not actively working to pass someone. It is not a difficult concept.

Granted, I should not tailgate you for being a fucking asshole, and it is not my right or duty to make sure you understand how much of a fucking asshole you are for purposefully impeding traffic. Yet, you’re ruining my whole driving experience, you’re holding up everyone trying to get home, and you get to go on being shitty with zero consequences for hogging the left lane.

And then people get angry. I get angry. And angry people make for dangerous driving conditions. And no one ever blames the cunty mccuntface that is the left lane camper.

So just a reminder… here are how the lanes are supposed to work. (Obviously barring any exceptional conditions like construction or emergency situations or weather things.) 

Driving is a group activity, and sometimes the group needs to get the fuck out of the left lane.