Don’t run red lights


They’re red for a reason.  Because traffic in the other direction has the green light.  They will be moving and entering the intersection.  They have the right of way and probably will not stop for you.

Over the past couple of weeks I’ve seen at least 15 people flat-out run a red light.  These aren’t people that caught the last bit of the yellow light and went through, I’m talking about the light being red before they even entered the intersection… And in some cases, the other light turning green while they’re in the intersection.

I’ve also seen jerks in a left-turn lane with a long line of people going through the red light in a giant chain.  It’s inconsiderate to everyone else trying to get home that can’t because you’re blocking the intersection.

I’m sure some of the time people run red lights because they misjudge the length of the yellow light.  It can, in theory, be difficult to decide what to do with a yellow light.   Yes, the correct thing would be to slow down and stop if you’re within stopping distance of the line, but really, hardly anyone does that.  Each driver needs to have a predetermined place on the road where if they reach it before the light turns yellow, they can go through the light, but if they have not reached it when the light turns yellow, they should stop.  I usually make that point about where right-hand turn lanes start.  This should then prevent the little moment of hesitation the second the light turns, and prevent you from making the decision to run the yellow light and not get there in time.